Common Questions
Please find below our most commonly asked questions. If you have a question that isn't answered, please submit your question and we will be sure to respond.

Program FAQs
Contacting YNN
No documents or proofs are required to contact YNN. YNN has the resources needed to determine eligibility. Youth and young adults can simply call or text a navigator for more information.
You can get in touch with YNN through phone, text, or online. We're here to help you figure things out and connect you with the right services.
Call: 833.OHIO.YNN / 833.644.6966
Text: 740.639.5252
Online: ynn.ohio.gov/contact
You don't have to be the one to reach out if you're not comfortable. If you're working with a support person, they can help connect you to us or be with you while you talk to us. We want you to feel comfortable, so however you want to make contact is okay with us!
Young people are welcome to reach out to YNN for resources and assistance, either as a one-time request or for continuous support. YNN is available to provide resources or assistance whenever needed!
How We Can Help
YNN provides one-on-one support to help you find the resources you need in your community. Examples of areas we can help with include:
- Basic Needs
- Food & Shelter
- Health & Wellbeing
- Housing Access
- Family & Relationships
- Job & Career
- Legal & Financial
- Forms & Vouchers
- School & Education
- Parenting & Childcare
Yes, Youth Navigator Network is a 100% free program for all eligible youth statewide.
YNN empowers young people in care by linking them with nearby resources tailored to their specific needs. We help facilitate these connections and provide assistance with intricate paperwork, applications, and other transitional responsibilities as they transition from foster care to adulthood.
Absolutely! We're here to support you with any challenges you're facing, whether they're old or new. If you're having trouble reaching out to us, your support worker can help you make that first connection. We know it can be tough to talk to someone new, so we appreciate any help you need to get in touch with us.
Who We Help
Youth Navigator Network is specifically available for youth and young adults up to 23 years old in Ohio who have had an open case with children services, have lived in a group home, are in or have been in foster care, or have aged out of care.
The short answer is yes, there are. If you're between 14 and 22 and live in Ohio, and have had any involvement with child services in the last two years, you qualify for YNN services.
BUT! Don't worry about figuring out if you qualify, call us anyway and let us handle that part. Even if you don’t qualify for our services, we'll still try to help you find support and resources that do work for you.
Yes! We want to make sure everyone feels respected and supported. When you reach out to YNN, we'll make sure you get connected to resources that understand and honor who you are. Before we recommend anything, we make sure it's a good fit for you.
Yes, a young person can be involved in YNN and the Bridges Program at the same time.
Yes, no matter where you are in Ohio, YNN is here for you! We'll help you find resources that are available in your community, no matter how remote.
Flex Funds
There is not currently a limit on how much money a youth can receive or how many times they can come back. We want to be as flexible and responsive to needs as we can.
Yes, there are specific eligibility requirements for Flex Funds. To qualify, an individual must be 21 or 22 years old and must have aged out of foster care. This means they were in a foster home, group home, or residential center when they turned 18, or they have participated in the Bridges program. But don't worry about figuring out eligibility—call us and let us handle that!